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  • 2021-03-05收录日期
  • 2024-08-30更新日期
  • 网站地址:www.kuolong.cn
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    上海阔龙清洗机械有限公司是一家专业从事全自动洗车机研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的企业。公司成立于2005年,位于上海市青浦区经济开发区。公司聚集了一批专业的技术创新团队,研发生产高品质的智能型洗车机。上海阔龙拥有十几年的洗车机生产经验,并获得国家多项专利。公司产品有小型车洗车机、大型面包车洗车机、大巴洗车机、及其他特种车辆洗车机。公司经过十几年的生产经营和探索,建立了自己的质量管理体系。通过I S O 9 0 01: 2015质量体系认证,欧洲安全标准- CE认证。产品已遍布全球多个国家。上海阔龙始终贯彻为客户创造价值的理念,为客户量身定制产品以满足不同客户的需求,并不断为客户提供解决方案和技术问题。进一步探索创新,追求卓越。我们的服务理念是真诚、迅速、高效、贴心,客户的满意是我们的追求,客户的成功是我们最大的成功! KOLON WASH is an enterprise specializing in the research and development, production, sales and service of automatic car washing machines. The company was established in 2005 and is located in the Economic Development Zone of Qingpu District, Shanghai. The company has gathered a group of professional technological innovation teams to develop and produce high-quality intelligent car washing machines. KOLON WASH has more than ten years of experience in the production of car washing machines and has obtained many national patents. The company\'s products include small car washing machines, large van washing machines, bus washing machines, and other special vehicle washing machines. After more than ten years of production, management and exploration, the company has established its own quality management system. Passed ISO 9 0 01: 2015 quality system certification, European safety standard-CE certification. Products have been distributed in many countries around the world. Shanghai Kuolong has always implemented the concept of creating value for customers, tailoring products to meet the needs of different customers, and constantly providing customers with solutions and technical problems. Further exploration and innovation, the pursuit of excellence. Our service philosophy is sincere, fast, efficient and caring. Customer satisfaction is our pursuit, and customer success is our greatest success!

  • TAG标签:kolon wash、洗车机 自动洗车机 全自动洗车机 洗车设备 自动洗车设备 全自动洗车设备 电脑洗车机 洗车机价格 高压洗车机 自助洗车机 上海阔龙清洗机械有限公司 
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